- 進学塾{しんがくじゅく}
private school or class for preparing students for entry in a higher school, usually a university or a high school 意味
- "private savings fell several million pounds short of the figure for the previous year" 意味
- "private school" 意味
- "private school (in house)" 意味
- "private school for preparing students for entrance into a college or university" 意味
- "private school for the study of english" 意味
- "private school student" 意味
- "private screening" 意味
- "private seal" 意味
- "private secretary" 意味
- "private school for preparing students for entrance into a college or university" 意味
- "private school for the study of english" 意味
- "private school student" 意味
- "private screening" 意味